
We at Superangel are super excited to have Kaari Kink joining the team. She joined Superangel’s Venture Development team and is helping support the growth of our portfolio companies. We asked Kaari about her previous experience and why is she fond of early-stage technology companies.

What is your background?

I studied and worked in the UK for 4 years, and only recently moved back to Estonia. My most recent experience was working at a health technology startup Triumf Health, where I was involved with everything related to scaling the solution, including marketing and communication, the customer as well as market validation, and raising capital. This was an amazing opportunity to get the first-hand experience in helping early-stage startups grow. As a side-project, I’m running an organisation that supports women and girls in their professional and personal life, and help out in initiatives that bring entrepreneurship opportunities closer to young girls.

Why do you like early-stage technology companies?

Early-stage startups are like the beginnings of great stories – you keep reading because you’re excited to know what happens next, and hold your breath for plot twists. I also see early-stage startups as a place where quality, personalised support can make the biggest difference whether the startup is going to take off or not.

Why did you decide to join Superangel?

Superangel reputation precedes itself. Even before applying I had heard about the great people and success behind the company. Working in Superangel takes me out of my comfort zone in a positive way, and I’m really motivated to grow and contribute to Superangel’s mission.

What book/podcast do you most frequently recommend to friends and family and why?

Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed, Factfulness by Hans Rosling, Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss & Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. Currently in my list to read there’s also Why We Sleep and Who Can You Trust by Rachel Botsman – can’t recommend them just yet but ask me again in a couple of months!

Welcome Kaari and onwards!